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YoYo Games Glog YoYo Games Glog

17 Feb: Android releases Neu
Finally we are pleased to announce the release of more games on the Android platform! T...
8 Feb: KAROSHI!!!
It’s here! One of the most popular games on PC now comes exclusively to iPhone, i...
2 Feb: YoYo Games looking for new GM programmer
YoYo Games Ltd are looking for an experienced Game Maker Programmer to join their team ...
2 Feb: Prison Ball out now!
Our newest title to be released today through the YoYo Game Store is Prison Ball. This ...

Werbung Werbung


Game Maker Domäne Game Maker Domäne

21 Okt: Wartungsarbeiten Neu
Am Wochenende wird das Forum wegen etwas größeren "Wartungsarbeiten" vorrü...

Game Maker Community Game Maker Community

The GMC has been archived as of 8/4/16. When you visit the GMC from now on, you can onl...
25 Mär: Forum Upgrade starts on Tuesday 29th March!
Hello everybody! I’m happy to finally announce that our previously announced...
18 Mär: GameMaker Sandbox to close on 8th of April
Hello everybody! Sadly the now rather old YoYo Games Sandbox located at: http...

Game Maker Blog Game Maker Blog

4 Aug: Artificial Intelligence: What Are Inferences
Welcome back to another episode of “What the Hell Is That?” Today’s topic...
31 Jul: Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Gaming
Today we’re diving into the future. No, not flying cars or colonies on Mars – we’...
28 Jul: Why every business needs a Company Domain Email
Alright, buckle up because today we’re diving into the thrilling world of emails. Yea...

Game Maker Games Game Maker Games

11 Jan: The List Competition Results
Alright, I realize it's been months. But, our illustrious panel of judges has been ...
25 Jun: WIN FIFTY DOLLARS! List Competition!
We Monster Users are now hosting a Game-Making Competition that includes combining offb...

Game Maker News Game Maker News

1 Mär: GMPPhysics and GM7
This is a brief update on GMPhysics, a popular DLL for Game Maker. Coderchris said toda...
22 Apr: Update & Checking Interest
The Blog As you know, this blog has pretty much hit rock bottom lately. I’m hopin...
2 Apr: Top 5 Features of GM8
5. MagicWand No good at making graphics? Can’t find someone to make them for you?...

Eo Game Development Community Eo Game Development Community

27 Sep: X i O n | is in the house! Neu
Eo has added another fantastic artist to its roster! A warm welcome to Xion, talented p...
13 Nov: HyperDuck Music Studios, have just moved in. Neu
Help me with my boxes would ya? This movin in business is tough!Hi my name is Chris Gee...

Game Blog Game Blog

24 Okt: Some news updates
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work a...
15 Sep: Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...