GM Iso city
GM Iso city
GM Iso city
Create a home in the iso city and have it link to your GM website. Use the template below to help you design your house to fit the proper area and then submit it (as a transparent gif) by sending it along with your website's URL Dave's email address. If you have an idea for a special area, event, message, or anything else, contact Dave at or on AIM (thedreamisle).
Building size constrains

Building size constrains

Note: At any time DreamIsle has the right to deem that your building is inacceptable for use on the website or can modify or move it as the need arises. Buildings that lack in graphical quality can and will be moved the The Slums until a graphically improved building is supplied by the original author. Disputes can be settled via a calm and rational email, not by an aggressive, swear word riddled message. By submitting your building you allow DreamIsle to use it for the city as long as he feel like it unless explicitly noted. These rules may change at any time with or without notice and it is the author's job to comply with them. This service is run independently off and gives no warranty for this service.