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Game Maker Base news

Game Maker Base news Game Maker Base news


Game Maker Base news

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Game Maker Base news Game Maker Base news

14 dec: New Category
I was feeling like doing an overall of the site to see what needs to be done and notice...
13 dec: New Admin
I'm now an admin of GMbase and because of that I feel like stopping this place from bei...
30 sep: Download problems?
Alright, ever since this site was released, people with programs that block the referre...
15 feb: Categories
Alright, I've been doing some categorizing. If you feel your extension is in the wrong ...
3 jan: New bbcode elements
We now have the [color*], [size*] and [code*] bbcode tags working! Example:[code]player...
20 nov: Feeds!
I've added RSS feeds for Simon Donkers' website, http://gamemaker.info!You can find the...
12 nov: Edit shouts!
You can now edit and delete your own shouts in the /?page=shoutbox:shoutbox!
10 nov: Some major layout changes
Ok, the banner has been changed once again. Notice that the user meta is now above the ...
9 nov: Tweaks
You may have noticed a few differences around the site. I'm in the process of tweaking ...
16 okt: MarkUp - Nevember
Hey there again, we seem to be out of reviews, so if you would like to get your extensi...