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Mark's Glog

Mark's Glog Mark's Glog


Mark's Glog

Last update:
124918 hours ago
36 users
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Mark's Glog Mark's Glog

31 Aug: Let’s Rate All Games New
About 15% of the games on the YoYo Games site have not received any rating at all. This...
29 Aug: Record Number of Visitors New
The YoYo Games website this week reached new records in the number of visitors and page...
27 Aug: Next Competition Theme New
Although you will still have to wait a bit longer for the official announcement, I thin...
25 Aug: Competition Closed New
The third YoYo Games competition on Co-operation is now closed. We had a record of 285 ...
22 Aug: Game Maker Tip: Cyrillic Support
The fonts in Game Maker do not support Cyrillic characters or Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese o...
20 Aug: Competition Deadline Approaching
The deadline for the third YoYo Games competition is quickly approaching. You have only...
19 Aug: A New Wiki
As some of you might have noticed already, since today we have a new wiki on the YoYo G...
18 Aug: Glogs Have Been Merged
We have merged the YoYo Games Glog with Mark’s Glog on game design. This new glog...
15 Jul: Runner in C++
Will be in limited and very private Beta hopefully from next week.  DON’T email ...
14 Jul: Firefox 3.0 Update
Sorry it took us so long, but this will be fixed July 15th midday (UK time).  I can al...